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31 Agustus 2011


17.30 WIB galau segalaunya..

Kerupuk sudah di goreng semua, sayur udah di siapin semua, ayam udah di goreng semua, rumah udah pada mengkilat. Ehh,, tinggal pengumuman yang masih saja "mbruwet" dengan asiknya.[maaf ya bapak-bapak, ibu-ibu pemerintah]. Yang biasanya abis buka, masjid-masjid udah pada manggil, hari ini anteng-anteng aja tuh.
Taun ini Si Hilal susah di liat, jadi pemerintah juga susah nentuin tanggal. Kegalauan akhirnya berakhir karena panggilan tarwih dari masjid tetangga sebelah. Yaa.. sudah dapat dipastikan mundur satu hari nih. Walaupun udah ada yang sholat kemenangan besok pagi sih. Kalo kata ibu tercinta," Emang mereka dimana, di Indonesia juga kan, makanya nurut pemerintah lebih enak". Kalo aku bilang tererah masing-masing dong, penting mereka gak ngajakin makan opor ayam+ketupat pas gua lagi puasa.[Hehehehhe]

Kata adek," Mbak,, puasa taun ini kok aneh ya." Setuju,, baru taun ini aku ngerasa ambigu penentuan lebaran. Setelah debat persepsi dan keyakinan sama temen-temen yang yakin seyakin-yakin nya kalo tgl 30 gak perlu puasa, cos udah pada denger takbir. Akhirnya mereka yang ngotot gak perlu puasa karena denger takbir yang walaupun sholat Ied tanggal 31, kalah suara dengan masjid samping alun-alun. Diumumkan dari MUI keputusan lebaran jatuh tgl 31. Hahahahaha, saatnya ngakak dengan wajah Gol Ale Ale sambil tanya jadi gak puasakah??? I'm the champion,, maaf sodara-sodara kalian boleh ngakak duluan membungkam saya, tapi akhirnya kalian yang senyum nyengir sambil ngomong,"maksudku besog lebaran, ya tanggal 31 itu,,hehhee,, tetep puasa lah". 

Walaupun ke ambiguan sering terjadi, 
dan banyak persepsi mewarnai Idul Fitri..
Keluarga dan Saya  mengucapkan,
Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1432 H..
Bait-bait kata terucap tak senada, 
Syair-syair mata melihat tak seirama, 
dan banyak melodi hati  mengiris tak dimengerti...
Dengan eloknya hari nan fitri, dengan segenap ketulusan diri...
Minal Aidzin Wal Faidzin, Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin... ^^

9 Agustus 2011


Ngawi more sparkling with multicolored fixie. Is no stranger when we are in a conversation to hear the words "Goez". Fixie fever appears.
Actually, what's fixie bikes? Initially I was also puzzled to hear the words 'fixie' from my friend. But after shown one of the "fixie" my friend. Initially I assumed that the bikes fixie is a bikes that just ​​colorful painted. With blo'on face, I asked, "Loh, how come there are no brakes?? That could happen an accident if a sudden drove too fast.. Well, this bikes is not safe to use." But apparently, after I ask around and search there here, fixie bikes are very different from my first opinion. Not only paint a colorful but made ​​from tires to gear it differently.

Just info, the results of the search nih ...
Called the FIXIE bikes because of fixed gear. That is, the gear behind it fixed, not dynamic. So we can not 'ngegowes' off the back. If ngegowes back,the bikes so it runs backwards,, this is in addition to its uniqueness lies not no brakes. Fixie bikes has a tires too thin, so mild when we get take in 'genjot'. and the other pulls on the handlebar. Where the handlebar or fixie bike handlebar made ​​with the perpendicular. 'Minimalist design' is characteristic of this single speed bike. For the brake is the power of our feet to hold 'pedal' which always rotates to the front.

I am also interested in the bike fixie. I tried it .. It's very pleased, and healthful course. I wish all young people who claim 'GAUL' had a high awareness, and switch to using a Fixie bikes or another bike just to take a walk. In addition to the earth be healthy because issue by motor vehicle emissions reduced, they also are not paying extra to buy gasoline just to surround the ngawi is so narrow. addition, they will also get a healthy body.
[Tapi sekedar saran nih yee.. kalo buat cewek mending pake torpedo bukan yang dolltrap. Gak terlalu ngos-ngosan, tau sendiri kan kalo dolltrap kita harus kayuh terus. Apa lagi kalo nemu jalan naik turun. Hhmmm... capeknya minta ampun!! but its ur choice galz!!]

If my assumptions come true, just imagine how much fun, when the night come, we are ride a bikes together, turn on the lights bicycles, and hearing a "tring, tring, goez" of the bikes.

4 Agustus 2011

Thank you,,

Yesterday, it is the second step I went to my faculty. It felt so different from the past when I've met with my senior. You know lah .. how the weather was so cold. I don'tt know why, but that day, the same look with the weather a few years ago. Just hope that I never met again with the past situation. I thought, why should it? why should show such a face? I really hate it .... 

Yesterday, it is the first step I went to my faculty with my new friends. I've spoken with them, speaks volumes. Yes, at that minute, I am very pleased with it, but at the minute, I also feel so stupid. I don'tt know why? But I really feel like it. Who am I? I'm just a lucky girl who attended the event was due to luck. I knew that I couldn't do the job seriously, can't speak English very well like them, haven't a brilliant brains to answer math, physics, and chemistry, no great power only to speak "CAN",  

And yesterday when I've thought that I am is someone who is not very useful because I have nothing, one of my friends suddenly sent a short message that reads "Butterflies never know the color of its wings, but these people know how beautiful they are. Like you, don't know how beautiful you are, but God knows how special you are".

thank you so much, that's a wonderful words I ever read.

Insya Allah
[Maher Zain] 

Ketika kau tak sanggup melangkah
Hilang arah dalam kesendirian
Tiada mentari bagai malam yang kelam
Tiada tempat untuk berlabuh
Bertahan terus berharap
Allah selalu di sisimu

 Insya Allah, Insya Allah
Insya Allah ada jalan
Insya Allah, Insya Allah
Insya Allah ada jalan

Every time you commit one more mistake

You feel you can’t repent and that it’s way too late
You’re so confused wrong decisions you have made
Haunt your mind and your heart is full of shame

But don’t despair and never lose hope

’Cause Allah is always by your side

 Insya Allah, Insya Allah
Insya Allah you’ll find a way
Insya Allah, Insya Allah
Insya Allah ada jalan

Turn to Allah He’s never far away

Put your trust in Him, raise your hands and pray
Oh Ya Allah tuntun langkahku di jalanmu
Hanya engkaulah pelitaku
Tuntun aku di jalanmu selamanya

Insya Allah, Insya Allah
Insya Allah we’ll find our way
Insya Allah, Insya Allah
Insya Allah we’ll find our way